5 Reasons to Take Your Business Online

5 Reasons to Take Your Business Online

In today’s economy, having a business running, even in the “offline” world, is definitely something to boast about! However, in order to ensure ongoing success, you will need to establish an online presence for your business and start reaping the fruits of this smart move.

Wondering what is in it for you? Here are the main 5 perks that go along with taking your business online. Enjoy them and feel free to expand your reach on an international level or strengthen your existing local network (or even both); the choice is yours!

#1: You Can Do it Yourself!

You don’t have to be a tech-savvy to put your business online, as there are so many platforms( for example Shopify), website templates, and tools available online that can make every task so much easier than you might have initially thought!

#2: Online Presence=Business Opportunity

With an increasing number of people using their mobile devices to search for a type of local business, it is no wonder that most businesses would want to be found online. According to a study conducted by Google, in 2011, a profound 88% of consumers that use their mobile device for their needs, actually visit or call the company they had found online within the very same day! Impressing, hum?

Given that people from all around the world, from all different backgrounds, search for a product or service, these searches happen all around the clock! If this is not a huge business opportunity to get new customers, then what is?

#3: Brand Building

Undoubtedly, industries tend to become more and more competitive, which makes it rather challenging for small businesses to build their brand. However, truth is that modern consumers are more knowledgeable and can tell whether a product or service “served” as top quality is a fluff or not. With an online business established, it is more likely you will convince people searching for your offering. A website is never just a website. It helps you build brand and is a never-sleeping extension of your brand!

#4: Extent your Reach

If you have the capability to bring in new customers at all given times, then ongoing success is guaranteed. But, how could this be done? Reaching 1000s of potential clients with the traditional marketing strategies is costly and ambiguous as per the results. Going online automatically means to have a chance to reach way more people than imagined, with significantly less money paid to get exposure. What is even better? You can always track results and fix things!

#5: Increase your Marketing Possibilities

Let’s say you have a brand new service or product that you want to promote like hotcakes. How can the bat signal be sent out? With traditional marketing, you would send out flyers, perhaps purchase an ad in the local newspaper, or maybe use direct mailing. Again, the cost goes sky-high. If you take your business online, you can make a blast with online marketing, completely FREE (or with a minor cost)! And, if your message goes viral, you can as well reach out to 1000 people in just a single day!

No matter what the type of your business or its size, you simply can’t afford to let these tremendous opportunities slip through your fingers. Open a new dimension for your business and watch it as it thrives in the online and offline world!

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