A Clean House Will Not Keep This Pest Away

A Clean House Will Not Keep This Pest Away

When we think about pests and insects, we usually divide them into two groups. The ones that infest houses which are not clean enough or well maintained enough, and the ones that don’t infest a place but you can’t prevent them either.

Simply put, you can place rats and cockroaches in the first category, and flies and mosquitoes in the second one. We use pesticides to deal with the first one and maybe some treatment for the second one. However, there is one little pest that can affect even the best cleaned houses and infest it in no time.

Take care of bed bugs, they bite

The usual thing an average person would do is to keep the place as clean as they can and should a pest make an appearance, they are going to deal with it as soon as possible. Especially if they suspect there is an infestation. However, what if you could not tell that you have a problem?

In this case, a clean house is not an issue for bed bugs. They are not looking for left others or things like that. They are looking for living creatures, just like you. So they have all the reasons to come inside. And since they are small enough to pass from even the smallest of cracks, and smart enough to let you carry them in after a trip in an infested area, you have the same odds for infestation as the next house down the road.

The problem is easy enough to deal with, especially when treated by professionals like bed bug removal in Mesa. That is if you know you have a problem.

As stealthy as they get

To know you have a problem you need to see signs of it. With a pest infestation such as this, you expect to either see a bug, find bite marks on you or similar signs. In this case however, there is a small issue.

First of all, bed bugs don’t like to be seen or felt. As such, they go out for a meal only when you are fast asleep and usually just before the sunrise. Now if you expect to feel the bite, just as if you were bitten by a mosquito or a flea, that is not the case here either. Since they feed for entire minutes at a time, they need to make sure you don’t feel a thing. And the worst part is, they are good at that.

Another thing is, you can’t easily tell the difference between their bite marks and that of another pest. That is unless you know what you are looking for. Easily enough, you can get more than enough example photos and descriptions online to tell them apart. You may even find other signs to look for.

If you end up figuring out you actually have a problem then it is best adviced to consult a professional. DIY methods are plenty to find if you look for them. But unless you come well prepared and willing to dedicate enough amount of time in every single detail, you can’t be sure you got rid of them. Even a few eggs still laying around, hidden in a crack or a socket in the wall, are enough to restart the infestation after enough time has passed. A professional bed bug treatment is, more often than not, your best bet to stay bed bug free.

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