Ugly Christmas Sweaters are Big Business

By now, surely everyone is aware of how big ugly Christmas sweaters and their corresponding parties have become over the last few years. According to Google more than 4.2 million searches regarding ugly Christmas sweaters came through their search engine in December 2013 alone. Current search volume numbers at Google show that this trend is expected to be even larger than ever in 2014. Ugly Christmas sweater parties seemed to have popped up on college campuses about 10 years ago, with zany college students looking for a way to celebrate…

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Promotional Products as the Best Means for Spreading Brand Awareness

There are a number of promotional techniques that are adopted by the companies in order to advertise their products or services. Advertisement is one of the most important techniques of marketing that has many faces and forms. The more innovative the idea is the more successful it would be in spreading it’s word. No matter how good services or products a company produces, it won’t get customers unless it has been marketed properly. The better the marketing strategies are the more the target group would be aware of it’s existence…

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How to stock coffee shops for sale: fair trade or not?

Coffee has, in the last few years, certainly overtaken tea as the most popular drink in the UK. With a vast array of coffee shops for sale up and down the country, it’s the perfect time to get involved in a booming industry. One of the benefits of working in the coffee industry is that you will normally find yourself in a customer facing environment so you’ll be able to socialise and meet people as part of your everyday work. Everyone loves high quality hot drinks, and the empty coffee…

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Custom T-shirt Printing

The Custom T-shirt printing business is something that you can count on sticking around. There are billions of dollars made from the industry every year. Garments that are usually printed on are usually Business Uniforms, Sports Uniforms, Memorial T-shirts, Family Reunion T-shirts, Social clubs, Religious groups and many more use custom T-shirts every year. When it comes to Custom T-shirts there are several methods of which they are printed. The oldest method being Screen Printing. Screen Printing has been around for many centuries and is also the most used and popular garment…

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WORK WITH ME Do you every stop yourself from becoming who you desire to be because you feel lost when searching for a path to get from “here to there”? Or maybe you’re a stickler for perfection and want things to work out **just right** Whether its starting a new career, writing a book or stepping into your greatness, the fear of initially failing at something holds many of us back from expressing our highest potential. Fear keeps us silent and unsure. What if the key to unleashing our courage…

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4 Mobile Technologies you must be Aware of in 2014

Things in the mobile world are changing fast and small business owners stand to fall behind if they do not stay in the loop. If you are hoping to remain at the forefront of your industry, keeping up to date with current mobile trends is essential; they will change the way you do business. The Rise of ‘Phablets’ The term ‘phablet’ has been loosely defined as a mobile computing device which is somewhere between a smartphone and a tablet in size. Over the past few years, smartphones have increased in…

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The importance of personal character attributes in gaining business funding

Nobody likes a poor sport, and if they do, it’s generally because they themselves are one. That’s one of the reasons why you NEED a strong, friendly personality when trying to gain money for your business. If you have bad character attributes, then nobody will want to support you with their own hard earned funds. It’s just that plain and simple. Look at it from this point of view — who would you rather support? Someone who treats their employees/coworkers fair, who always smiles and greets people in a friendly…

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Create the App that You Want with ease

The world has been made smaller and faster by the internet and the onset of apps has made thousands of tasks simpler.  Apps are simple programmes that are of great use and usually easy to operate as well. And they do not occupy too much space on your Smartphone. Such apps have gained prominence with the upsurge of the android and the iOS markets. The reason why these two operating systems could take the wave in their stride is because of the amazing apps available on their app stores, made…

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The Business of Critical Illness Insurance

Medical insurance iѕ one of the most imроrtаnt tуреѕ of inѕurаnсе a реrѕоn can hаvе. Hоѕрitаl and medical trеаtmеnt costs continue tо riѕе, mаking it аlmоѕt imроѕѕiblе tо survive finаnсiаllу withоut insurance of ѕоmе kind. And nowadays оur health inѕurаnсе iѕn’t аlwауѕ еnоugh either. The dеduсtiblеѕ seem tо gеt higher еасh уеаr аlоng with thе оut-оf-росkеt еxреnѕе. Bесаuѕе оf thеѕе facts, ѕuррlеmеntаl inѕurаnсе plans and сritiсаl illnеѕѕ insurance hаѕ bесоmе a way for fаmiliеѕ tо hаvе ѕоmе еxtrа protection. Extra рrоtесtiоn is now nееdеd mоrе than еvеr tо hеlр рау…

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Business Awnings Will Help To Promote Your Brand

Caffe Nero, Starbucks, Harrods, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Subway…wherever you look, the biggest of the big brands are using carefully branded awnings to promote their businesses. The good news is that your business can join them by investing in a quality business awning and stamping your own identity over it. Branding: more than just a logo Your brand is not just your signage and logo. It is about how your customers perceive you as a business and includes everything from logo and decor to stationery and even how your staff treat…

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