Digital Advertising Australia – Data Drives Results!

Digital Advertising Australia – Data Drives Results!

Digital Advertising in Australia is no different to any other country, put simply the data you’re your SEO campaign drives results.  Hopefully, you understand the basics of your business and by now you should realise that in the world of SEO there is a strong connection between Audience Knowledge and selecting the best Keywords. The keyword searches that a Google user will use are highly individual and reflect not only intentions but also vocabulary. Sometimes it can be a simple matter of understanding how two people would discuss a similar product, such as ‘SEO services’ and ‘Website help’ while both terms may actually apply to the same product if you don’t have an understanding of the type of wording your customer would use then you may miss a valuable opportunity. By understanding your audience, you can take the huge quantity of keyword possibilities and filter it into what your customers would be most likely to use. By prioritising you can specialise your focus and save on wasted efforts. However, one thing that I really want to stress is that you need to make sure that you go about this process correctly. Too many people try and create an Audience Profile and fail because they give up too soon or don’t know how to use it. So here are a few tips for you to think about when you start on your customer profiles.

Often in the marketing world, you will see that customer profiles will be generated at a large expense only to sit idle and have no direct role. This occurs when the profile has not been created properly or has been created simply to tick a box and move on. Some of the reasons for this failure include:


Poor Data foundation:

If your data is not real or is skewed by poor results or bias, then your information is useless. You need to be focusing on the deep and actionable insights into the minds of your customers or you will only have a superficial, perhaps even inaccurate representation that is doomed to fail.

Profiles are not versatile:

If the profile is not well-rounded then it cannot be expected to represent the actual body of your customer base. This stems from problems with limited or poorly retrieved sources for your customer base. Again, if a profile is not versatile and well flexible, then they are just basic words on a page and cannot represent your true customer. The best solution to this is to engage the services of someone with experience in this area of sales, (even better if it is SEO oriented) so that you know that the drafted profile will be a dynamic, living embodiment of your actual audience.

Too much data, no enough life:

If you have your profile simply as a list of dot points about age, gender, and income, then they are just another lot of statistics and not a profile. This ‘soul’ in your profile is what helps to show the motivations for the customer, how they shop, how they think, and what they want. If you are limited in the meaningful analysis then your team can’t be inspired into insights and the usefulness of these profiles will be short-lived.

Focus shifts:

Some companies don’t use the profiles to their fullest potential because they don’t value the insights they provide. If you are simply doing this as a task to ‘tick off this to-do list’ and move on, then no matter how good your information is, you won’t receive the benefits. This comes down to culture and education, if you value this process, your team will value it and it will be treated with the respect needed to actually see results.

By now it should be clear that an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of your Audience is critical to any business and essential to a successful SEO campaign.

As the CEO of Slingshot Internet Marketing, I know the struggles that many people have when starting off the SEO. I myself ran a small business for a number of years and had to learn SEO from scratch and by a lot of trial and error.  So remember to start off strong and use the information that you know. Once you have built that foundation, learn as much as possible about SEO and be patient with the results. If you come to a stage when you are unsure or want to set your business apart from the rest, then consider having a chat to an SEO professional.  If you want more information visit our website:

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