Does my Google Adsense Keyword have market value?

Does my Google Adsense Keyword have market value?

First off what is market value? Some people confuse this with cpc (cost per click). I have been burned many times targeting keywords that had a high $16 cpc. My thinking was that if this keyword had a high cpc, than it would obviously have a good market value, wrong! A good market value means that people are actually searching for these terms and advertisers are bidding money on these keywords through adwords.

Why does Google say that certain keywords have high cpc, but turn out to have no market value? That is the million dollar question, I really don’t know the answer to this, I actually believe that a lot of people don’t know the answer to this, even so called gurus. It really doesn’t matter. What matters most is finding those keywords that have good market value. There is one sure fire way to find out if a Google Adsense Keyword has good market value.

  1. Find the keyword you want to target.
  2. Head over to Google Search and type the keyword inside the search box (lets use blemished tires, you will see my website blemished tires on the first page)

If you look over to the right-side of the search, you should see little Google Ads (Google Adwords). These are advertisers, they have bid at least $2 (for my keyword blemished tires) to get to the first page of the search. Depending on the number of ads, this could be a good keyword. If you count the ads you will notice that there are 8 competing ads. This is good, however it is not perfect! You could have as much as 11 competing ads. You could also have as low as 4. I like to shoot for at least 7-11. If there are no ads that appear on your search, this maybe a sign that your Google Adsense keyword may not have good market value, think about it, if no one is bidding for that keyword, it may not be a very profitable keyword.

Is there a tool that can tell me if a keyword has good market value? Yes sure there is, I use market samurai to automate this process. They actually have a free trial running, so if you want to try it out, now is the best time. I have a link to market samurai under my recommendations categories on the right hand side of the page.

There is no need to ignore latest changes made by Google, for example Google plus is a key of success in adsense also, you should learn how to create google plus fan page for your website and remember automation is cool, however you should still learn how to do it manually as well. Okay in my next post we will go over more keyword research. I go over keyword research a lot because I believe 95% of creating a profitable Google adsense website is based on good keyword research!

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