Indie music pr tips for bands and musicians.

Indie music pr tips for bands and musicians.

Indie music is now an established genre with a wide scope and dedicated fan base. There are countless publications, blogs, magazines and fan sites dedicate to purveyance of independent music and its continued growth. Being in indie band in this day and age is both a unique musical outlet but also a tough market. With countless indie labels and bands knocking around it can be hard to push your music out of the internet ether and into the hands of fans and people that matter.

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Indie music was born in an age where vinyl records where the platform of the day and major labels ruled the music industry. Tony Wilson’s Factory Records helped create the careers of the legendary Joy Division, New Order and The Happy Mondays. Their work revolutionised the way records were made and distributed and gave way to the phenomenon of indie music as we know it today.

Here at Quite Great we are conscious of the challenges indie musicians and bands face in getting their music heard. Our team have extensive links major indie publications such as NME, Pitchfork, Drowned in Sound, The Line of Best Fit and Clash. Our goal is to make sure our artists get as much relevant coverage as possible so their reach can expand and more quality artists can enter the fray that is the music industry on their own terms. Thankfully the blogsphere has developed significantly in the recent years and there are countless blogs that have a sole aim which is to champion indie music.

BBC Introducing the Uploader

The creation of BBC Introducing and the IntroducingUploader is another element of the British music industry that has allowed relatively unknown, indie artists to enter the mainstream. Artists such as Ed Sheeran, Genghar and Little Simz all made their names through BBC Introducing and getting your music up on the Uploader is a great way to get your music heard. Our radio team at Quite Great have fantastic connections with all the regional BBC Introducing teams and we regularly secure multiple levels of coverage with multiple BBC Introducing teams. BBC introducing also have the ability to push tracks they like to national radio, particularly Radio1 and Radio 1Xtra. This gives home grown talent at platform to appeal to a wider fan base.

Indie music is a fantastic genre and scene that is very heavily catered for in the UK. Like other genres indie musicians need to get a good PR team on board and focus on what sort of demographic they want to target.

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