Making money with online trading

Making money with online trading

If you’re looking into making money from the comfort of your home you must have read our latest article about how to make money playing video games where we presented different ways gamers can generate extra money from their favourite hobby. Today we have decided to take it to the next level and present a method which combines both financial trading and online gaming; were talking about binary options.

Binary options are a rather new tool in the financial scene and have gained popularity since they first arrived to the world in 2008. While binaries had begun their way as a new form of online trading many where looking at them as a form of gaming or more like gambling, as years went the need for formal legalization had been waiting and in 2013 binary options brokers were approved as legalized financial investment companies.

The situation of legalized regulated companies had made binary options a safer trading method, however some brokers have intentionally decided to stay unregulated. These companies as part of their business strategy have decided to treat binaries as a form of gaming under the assumption that gamers will have more interest in a well-designed platform which generates a look and feel of a game rather than a financial investment.

So how can gamers make money with binary options? the principal stays the same; the client, also known as a trader predicts whether a certain financial assets price will rise or fall by the end of an options expiry time, if the prediction is correct the trader wins and goes home with a profit of up to 500%, if he loses he is left with up to 15% of his initial investment.  Looking at binaries in the way presented above is very similar to pure gambling, some brokers who are trying to attract gamers have developed the platform into gaming platform and offer many features which allow traders to feel as if they are playing a game.

On the other hand we have the financial approach which due to binaries nature could even help a binary gamer. Binary options are automatically linked to live financial market performance and there for having some financial background and a well-established binary options strategy will help any type of trader, gamer or financial.

Binaries are traded on the principal of short term investment, high risk and high potential profit, these combined form a binary option. Understanding the various factors which influence a Stocks price will most likely help a trading result. On the other hand there is a school which arguments that such short time trading intervals are unpredicted and that binary options are more of a game than a financial investment, let me just remind you must brokers were regulated and approved as financial investment firm.

Whether you are a financial expert or a pure gamer or maybe just an ordinary Joe, binaries have become a hit all over the world and are now generating over $5 Billion daily so it might be the time to join the trend.

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