How Much Should A Well Pump Repair Cost

How Much Should A Well Pump Repair Cost

Households that draw their water from a well rather than from a system of pipes or plumbing will sooner or later inevitably find themselves in a situation that calls for a well pump repair or replacement. As delicate items of machinery, well pumps are susceptible to a number of minor problems that, while relatively easy to fix by a professional, quite often puzzle layman homeowners, who may on occasion allow the situation to become more grievous than it would otherwise have been, simply due to being misinformed or not sufficiently aware of the dangers.

Those who find themselves in this situation will also, sooner or later, ask themselves (or their resident plumbing specialist) the question of just how much a well pump repair costs. Different specialists seem to charge different amounts, and it is not hard to see how this can confuse the uninitiated. Those currently struggling with this particular issue will undoubtedly be happy to know that, while by no means cheap jobs, well pump repairs most definitely have a price range within which quotes should fall. Anyone attempting to charge more (or even less) than the limits of the set recommended bracket should be questioned, as they may be untrustworthy as professionals.

Pressure And Power

The three most common problems requiring a well pump repair are damage to the motor which causes it not to run, the opposite situation (where the motor will not stop) and low water pressure. Any of these is an easy fix for a specialist, but none of them is going to come cheap for the homeowner.

In addition, using an underpowered pump in a large well can also lead to breakages within a short period. While well pumps are generally sturdy, forcing them to deal with a larger amount of water than they are prepared to can easily over-strain them, leading to malfunctions. This is a particularly common occurrence among homeowners who have just renovated or extended their houses. Very often, and not on purpose, but simply due to being ill-informed, these individuals will believe that the pump that is in place will work in the new well just as well as it did in the old one. However, the increase in water distribution very often causes the pump to break from the strain, prompting the need for a fix.


What, then, is the price range for a well pump repair? While the bracket is large enough to span anything from $250 to $2000, depending on the problem, most industry professionals agree that an average of $1000 represents a fair quote for most well pump fixes.

When asking for a quote, homeowners should also be aware that the depth of their well influences the pricing; the deeper the well, the higher the bill. Similarly, due to the nature of their installation, submersible pumps tend to be pricier to fix than surface pumps.

Still, property owners should beware of contractors seeking to charge extremely high prices for this kind of repair. While not cheap, fixing a well pump problem should not break anyone’s bank either.

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