What Not to Do when Choosing a Career

What Not to Do when Choosing a Career

Your choice of career will very much define you, and while it seems to come easy to the chosen few, the rest of us are left with a daunting challenge of finding the right industry in which to start a career. The school curriculum would typically include career counselling from the age of around 14, and this is designed to facilitate the process of selecting a suitable career. If you are faced with making a career choice anytime soon, here are some things to avoid.

  • Don’t Focus on Money

If you base your career choice on the financial benefits, it is likely you will be disappointed and may have to rethink your decision and find a career that you enjoy. Of course, money is important, but whatever career you choose, the salary should be adequate for modern living standards. There is little point in moving into a dying industry, and with the pace of technology, there are plenty of those, but there are other sound industries, where qualified people are always in demand.  If you care about the environment, you might want to work in the asbestos industry, and with asbestos consultant jobs in high demand, a career in surveying or inspecting would be ideal.

  • Don’t Aim Too Low

Some people don’t raise the bar as high as they could, and while we should be practical about our chances of success, we should never compromise our dreams. Many famous people came from underprivileged backgrounds, yet they still managed to achieve greatness, and if you have your heart set on a particular career, then plan accordingly, and never give up hope.

  • Don’t Follow the Path of Others

Peer pressure can affect a young person’s judgement, especially when it comes to career choices. Your uncle might have wanted to be a dentist, but that is no reason for you to pursue a dental career, which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t heed your elder’s advice, rather avoid choosing a career for someone else. Discovering where your real interests lie can be a difficult process, and by examining your feelings about different school subjects, you might get an idea where your real talent lies.

  • Don’t Be Impatient

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your career might not look like much is happening for a while, but that is how it works. Career development is also about looking for better opportunities and if you register with the right recruitment agency, you will have a steady stream of offers coming your way. There is nothing to lose by registering, as it is free for employees, and with strict confidentiality, you can safely browse the job market without your current employer knowing. Not many people connect with the right company immediately, so expect to make some job changes, especially if something exciting comes along.

If you are patient and examine all your options, you will hopefully choose a rewarding career that will give you the chance to realise your full potential.

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