The San Francisco Innovation Event

The San Francisco Innovation Event

The San Francisco Innovation Events are held in Sans Fransico in which different leaders with innovative ideas came and detail the people about the innovations. These events are very high profile and contain a lot of useful information for all the audience.

Innovative Leaders are the one who had made some innovations, and know a lot about the innovations which are being made. Scott Kirsner is one of the leaders with innovative ideas. He is a journalist and author by profession.

The Breanna Baker lives in California. She is a model,musician, photographer and actress by profession. She was the event photographer of the Innovation event “Sans Francisco Field Study Event”.

The event Field Study was held at Rocketspace in downtown in Sans Francisco. These events are done in “off the record” mode as people participate more freely when they are not being recorded. The event was started with the whole group conversations and many white board sessions were held by different leaders with the most innovative ideas. All the people introduced themselves in their groups at the start of the event and shared their thoughts about the innovations.

Many leaders along with the innovative were seen there which include Michelle McConomy who is the VP of RocketX division of the Rocketspace, Andy Waldeck, Rachel Antalek Michelle Perman, Phil Shwiser, Hemant Taneja, Leslie Bottoroff, Gary Swort, Frankie James who is from General Motors, Christina Mott who is the Global Head of the innovation at Marsh and McLennan, Adrienne White, who is from HEARST, Luis Solis, who is from Imaginatik,Scott Mark, who is from Medtronic Bret Harris, Danae Ringlemann, Cal Hamilton, who is from NRG Energy, Evan Schwartz, who is from Innosight, Libby Young who, is fromMarsh & McLennan,Rob Pietsch, who is the executive of Twitter and many others. These impressive leaders proved their innovation leadership by guiding and detailing the people about the innovations.

Some of these leaders also discussed how other leaders with the innovative ideas can move the needle in their particular company.  Some of them talked about the startups and corporate venture capitals in the tech event.  Some whiteboard sessions informed others about how to scout out for the emerging innovations and integrate them into the product development process. Fast Tracking innovations were also discussed on the white boards.

The quiet interesting Field Study event ended up with “design for delight” exercises.

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