Sayist – Breathing Life into Your Classified Ads

Sayist – Breathing Life into Your Classified Ads

Sayist is an online marketplace and community where people can publish their classified ads from anywhere in the world. It has categorical divisions such as vehicles, housing, community, jobs, pets, for sale, services, gigs, resumes, musicians, etc. This makes it easier to target a particular audience and also to find something you are looking for without any hassle.

If you are looking to buy something specific, you can browse through the ads and when you come across something you are interested in, you can contact the seller and make arrangements.


If you post an ad on the internet without specifying a category, you will not be getting any customers or even if you do get some, they will not be enough. So to make the most out of your ad, make sure you use Sayist so that you can specify a category for your product and attract the right audience. For example, if you are offering guitar lessons, you can post in the music category, so that customers who are interested can contact you.

Users Can Now Post Videos!

Sayist offers something unique that you have never seen on any other online marketing network, i.e. the option to post videos. Yes, you read it right; people can now post videos, use hash tags and also share their classified ads on Facebook and twitter.

Small and large business owners will surely find Sayist as the best and most useful tool for advertising their products. Another benefit of Sayist is that you can post your classified ads for free. This way you get to keep the entire profit from your sales.

Users can also download Sayist app on the mobile phones and post and browse video classified ads easily.

At Sayist, you will see a whole new world where you can look for a job, rent a car, buy or sell an apartment, search for a pet, sell your old tv set and much more. We are breathing life into your classified ads with the introduction of videos. This is your chance to attract more customers to your business.

Sayist offers a beautiful interface and the best user experience. It is initially launching in Austin, Boston, New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle in early 2015. Stay tuned for more updates via its Facebook page or submit your email address on its website to get notified when they launch.

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