Top Three Innovations to Impact Courier Jobs

Top Three Innovations to Impact Courier Jobs

The last few decades of the 20th century and the first few of the 21st century saw Western society develop like never before. Countless technological developments took place, affecting all areas of society and making life easier and more immediate both at a personal and a professional level. Certain gadgets, such as computers, mobile phones and portable music devices, even became staples of everyday life, to the point where it would be unthinkable for most Westerners to not be able to enjoy them nowadays.


For the field of delivery and courier jobs, this evolution was no different. From the now out-dated paradigm that reigned in the sector for decades, the profession has evolved into something as tech-savvy (and tech-reliant) as most other sectors of modern-day Western society. And while most of these innovations may seem relatively small or even insignificant in the grand scheme of things, any delivery driver worth their salt will know why and how they are important to the sector. Below are just three of the most important technological developments to have had an impact on courier jobs over the past ten or twenty years. Together with the many left unmentioned, they paint a picture of a rapidly growing and changing sector, with exciting prospects for the future.


Out of all the innovations that Western society spawned, the one most likely to have a long-lasting impact on the field of courier jobs is the Global Positioning System, or GPS. First coming into the market around the turn of the millennium – then as an expensive gadget affordable only to a select few – this device ended up taking the world of driving by storm, and was even incorporated into devices such as mobile phones and tablets. Today, it is a delivery driver’s best friend, keeping him or her from getting lost or taking unnecessary detours, and thereby increasing efficacy and shortening delivery times.

Courier Networking Platforms

Courier networks are another technological advancement that can be hugely beneficial to delivery drivers. These online platforms allow drivers and companies who sign up to find additional loads or courier jobs needing doing, all the while helping bring signed-up drivers together as a community. It is little wonder, then, that this type of network has quickly been growing in popularity within the sector, with more and more drivers being affiliated to one nowadays.

Online Quotes And Bookings

Finally, there is an innovation, which, while more useful from the consumer’s side, can often avoid complaints and unnecessary drama: online quoting and booking systems. Most companies nowadays offer these on their websites, allowing customers to browse prices and services prior to contracting a pick-up or delivery. This can avoid unnecessary complaints and scenes derived from perceived ‘false advertising’, making the process more transparent and setting everyone at ease. As noted at the start of this text, these innovations are far from an end point for the delivery field. The main point of interest, then, is to see how far the industry can progress in the next couple of decades. If the past ten years or so are any indication, great things can be expected.

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