Ugly Christmas Sweaters are Big Business

Ugly Christmas Sweaters are Big Business

By now, surely everyone is aware of how big ugly Christmas sweaters and their corresponding parties have become over the last few years. According to Google more than 4.2 million searches regarding ugly Christmas sweaters came through their search engine in December 2013 alone. Current search volume numbers at Google show that this trend is expected to be even larger than ever in 2014.

Ugly Christmas sweater parties seemed to have popped up on college campuses about 10 years ago, with zany college students looking for a way to celebrate with a unique and gaudy bit of fun. From there the fad has grown to a worldwide phenomenon.

Currently the market seems to be satisfied by small, independent online sellers of ugly Christmas sweaters and party accessories. Most of these online companies are run by small business owners who recognized the growing trend, and capitalized on the hugely popular movement.
Chris Newsom is the founder of Real Ugly Christmas Sweaters, one such online retailer of tacky sweaters and accessories. Their first year in business was 2013, and they had a very successful year right out of the gate. “2013 was more of a test than anything else” Newsom states. “We saw the trending in the market and took immediate action to see if we could break in. We had a great year, and traffic to the website is trending at 25%-30% higher than last year. We are bracing for a big 2014”.

Ugly Christmas sweater parties are not going anywhere for a while. Market trend reports show that corporations, schools, colleges, and organizations are planning ugly sweater parties for 2014 at higher rates than ever before. Year over year growth seems to be the standard in this fun and exciting market that is so popular that everyone seems to be joining in on the good times.

For more information on ugly Christmas sweaters and parties see

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