Watch Movies in Privacy and On the Move

Watch Movies in Privacy and On the Move

If you are obsessed with gadgets and the futuristic movies have always fascinated you because of the kind of gadgets they used then the video glasses would definitely take you on a roll. The video glasses allow you to have a completely private movie time even while you are on the move or amongst others. This portable device should be worn on the eyes and it gives you an experience of staring into a large video screen a few feet away. The best part is you can be on your own enjoying movies, videos, photographs, read books and much more without causing too much botheration to someone else.

Portable Video glasses

The portable video glasses are perfect for those boring hours while traveling on a train or while you are waiting at the airport terminal or even when you want to watch a movie while the others in the room is sound asleep. These video glasses are handsfree and allow you absolute privacy. These glasses might give you the feeling of being transported to the future just like in the movies because of it’s feel and design. These glasses are also comfortable to wear for a long time as they are sleek and light weight. It generally uses the LCD or the OLEDs as the display technology and has been provided with a lens that magnifies these minute displays which gives the viewers a big screen experience.

Get it from Tom Top

The video glasses on the Tom Top which is an online site for gadgets, gives the impression of watching movies on a 52” wide screen and has a built in memory of 4 GB and also supports micro SD card which is expandable upto 32 GB. The screen resolution can be adjusted to make it more soothing to the eye if required. The battery back up of these devices are really great with a 750 mAh capacitated battery that lasts for quiet long so as to complete a couple of movies back to back. Easy to operate and the high speed uploading are amongst the other features that make using the gadget even more satisfying. The video glasses have been enabled to connect with other media gadgets like I pod, mobile phones and even DVD players and camcorders. Movies can also be stored on its internal memory or the memory card. Thus if you are a very private person and do not like other people to know what kind of movies you like to watch or what books you read the video glasses are just the gadget you need.

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